Wednesday, 30 June 2010

I am sad that I missed yesterday's dress-up on poupee girl and now I dont get my 200 ribbon bonus :(
But on a good note i got about 700 extra jewels and bought a dress and 2 goes on the catcher~

Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Woo! Going to a session for adult university goers tomorrow at Manchester Uni
I don't know if I will be able to talk to the Japanese tutor or the disability centre but ill try ^^ So many things to ask since I cant go to Uni again unless I get some sort of funding and since I quit after 4 years already I have no clue if I will be able to get any :(
Which is one reason why I need an ADHD assessment before I start instead of after I start uni :(
Also where are all these giveaways coming from XD got another 7 to post!

Saturday, 26 June 2010

Woooo Foxy is coming back up next weekend! Maybe can get another Photo shoot done :D
We didnt get to shoot Lolita last time but maybe this time we can ^^
Hes coming up to do shoots with his other friends ^^
Here's one from the last shoot~ A thumbnail this time instead of smaller pic
Oh My God
my hand is dead XD
so much Aion today with 3 instances and 1 fort seige so far *_*
will probably be 2 more sieges tonight bah!
Made me all tired ^^;

Friday, 25 June 2010

Follower comp!

Woo I have 4 followers on GFC and one has asked me to advertise her very first giveaway so here goes ^^

They are all by the Gatsby brand

some silver dye *_* very cool not seen silver dye before!
3x styling wax~ wax is good ^^
pore strips - who doesnt love them XD
blotting paper.....lifesaver sometimes on a photoshoot :D
wet paper - for freshening up
and a Mystery item!

Lets hope she has some more followers soon :D
HMMMMMMMMMMMMM dont seem to be getting notifications when people should be notifying me right? XD
or am i too used to LJ maybe ^^;

Parokeets Giveaway

Parokeets Beauty Blog
300th follower summer giveaway for Parokeets beauty blog ^^
Look at all the Essence items!! And a paint pot *_*

Congratulations to your 300 followers :D
Ahhh that was a long post again
Shop volunteering today!
Fun fun~
BF bought home some dark chocolate and white chocolate mikado yesterday!!
so yummy! I love mikado as you can actually taste the chocolate unlike Pocky :(
Soooo lets have another Giveaway post!
Found all of these from a blog i follow
Yay new blogs to follow! ^^
Theres 8!!

This is her 500th follower celebration giveaway ^^

2: Elli Duvolle
She's off to Korea so is having a korean giveaway! Very cool :D

3: Ruth's Reflection
This is for Ruth's 50th follower! Congrats Ruth ^^ Some cute items there!

4: The Skinnies
100 followers for The Skinnies!
Velcro hair bow for keeping your hair out the way when you do make-up *_* So want one :D

5: ChocoMintBubblegum
ChocoMint is having a Gyaru inspired giveaway *_* Cute!

6: Katie Ngo
This is Katie's 3rd giveaway ^^
One Sedonalace's 88 matte palette~ She says it rivals Coastalscents :D

7: Sprinkle of Glitter
Lou is having a 500th follower giveaway also! Ooooh Urban Decay up for grabs ^^

Yet another long post *_*
Crazy crazy hehe ^^
Only 14 ribbons left to afford the long veil~

lets have some pics of me and pixel me shall we ^^
me on a shoot~

My girl in the cute pink wedding kimono ^^ cute!

Thursday, 24 June 2010

Yet another jewel catcher! Katherine why do you tempt us so!
Some lovely wedding kimono *_*
Sadly i got the girl bear first and then a pink kimono~
Now i have only 130 jewels :(
damn you pretty pixels :P

Wednesday, 23 June 2010

After that massive post heres a random picture of myself!
Isn't that skirt so cute *_* and I love those socks :D
Not sure if my new improved petti will fit under the skirt though ~_~

Tuesday, 22 June 2010

Give-away Posts of people I follow ^^

Heres a post of some giveaways from some really awesome blogs :D
7 to be exact! All real nice~

1: Pinkbox Makeup
This is her first givaway!

Lots of good things there :D
Woot for your first giveaway! Hope I will be able to do one too some day ^^

2: ChaiGyaru
Chaigyaru is giving away some circle lenses and also false lashes from Kiwiberry!

Very cool looking lenses *_*

3: Oh Jhoy!
This is Oh Jhoy's 4th giveaway! Summer one now with some lovely make up, false lashes and even bikini tops :D

Pink or black which would you prefer? :P

4: AllAboutBeauty
They're having a 200 followers Thank You giveaway! Up for grabs are MAC items *_*

Who doesn't love MAC :D
Congratulations on 200~

5: Candy Kawaii Lover
CKL is giving away 3 pairs of lenses from Mukuchu~
Mukuchu also sell some cute lense cases :D

Very nice looking *_*

6: Babbling Brooke
Well this looks to be a massive amount of stuff she is giving away!!
This is for her 2nd blog anniversary :D

Wow *_* get in there ladies!
Happy Blogiversary!

7:Tina Bobeena
Tina's giveaway for her 150th follower! Beauty accessories this time :D

All good items for your bags! :D
Congrats on your followers!

Thats all of them :D
Well well it looks like I finally found out/realise what is up with me ^^
I've always had writing difficulties and trouble expressing things and problems like procrastinating/starting then stopping things and well wanting to start but never know how to... like this blog :)
Looks like I might have ADD! I was looking at learning difficulties and thought I might have dysgraphia as its about writing problems but more I looked its more about Physically having problems with writing whereas mine is more about trouble putting the thoughts to paper, the things above and well.....quite a few other symptoms. Ill be off to the GP for an assessment as soon as I can actually force myself to find one and ring it :(
I would love to write here every day with a nice item or good site/picture I've found. Also good photographers/artists and of course you gorgeous lolitas <3
I even have a few notes jotted down to make a few make-up reviews ^^
Hopefully it'll sort itself out soon :)

Monday, 14 June 2010


Well I seem to have FINALLY figured out Google Reader/Google Friend Connect/Blogger connections
I had followed lots of blogs with GFC and I was goin crazy about how my GR hadnt updated with all the new unread blogs!
Finally found out you have to do it all with Blogger XD
Click follow with GFC> go Blogger > Manage subscriptions> add> they appear in GR XD
Gawd its taken me about a week!!